Tuesday, October 13, 2009

White Paparazzi, Critics & Media Sink to New Low With Nauseating Jon & Kate Gosslin Coverage: Kind of Bullshit that Makes Niggas Wanna Masturbate!

I talked to my main man Sinister today about this white media overload of Jon & Kate Gosselin. "It's the kind of bullshit that makes a nigga wanna masturbate," he said.
While I had yet to look at it from that perspective, after letting it stir around in me a little while, I felt the same way.

For those who don't know, niggas got a ZERO tolerance policy on white bullshit and, when we get anxious, we get erect. So, naturally, like Sinister was saying, along with recognizing Jon & Kate as white bullshit, we be anxious to never hear or see them again.
Hence, it's the kind of bullshit that makes a nigga wanna masturbate. I think I'm gonna watch the twenty eight second Youtube clip above & get me a quickie!

VOMIT! Talentless Miley Cyrus & Legions of Brain Dead Fans Must Be Stopped! "Party In the USA" is Morally Debased White Narcissism

Miley Cyrus must be stopped. Would somebody pull her plug? Right now, as I'm typing, I'm forcing myself to watch her Party in the USA video with the pole dance I referenced in the previous post. It's worse than I thought. Then, there's the nationalistic disillusion she's teaching: there's a party in the USA. I've yet to thoroughly research her parents, but I smell psychotic concervatives. Any white child with her influence who has the audacity to appear on a stage and, while her unrepentant country is killing and oppressing people all throughout the world, sing "There's a Party in the USA" is a product of morally debased parents. In phonycelebs like Paris Hilton, we're accustomed to seeing this type of debasement in children of conservative parents.

If you didn't get a chance to see Miley's poor pole dance, here it is.

My God, or, more appropriately Allah, she looks like she couldn't wait to get out on that stage and open her legs!
Something stinks & it's Miley Cyrus!

VOMIT! Talentless Miley Cyrus & Legions of Brain Dead Fans Must Be Stopped! "Party In the USA" is Morally Debased White Narcissism

Miley Cyrus must be stopped. Would somebody pull her plug? Right now, as I'm typing, I'm forcing myself to watch her Party in the USA video with the pole dance I referenced in the previous post. It's worse than I thought. Then, there's the nationalistic disillusion she's teaching: there's a party in the USA. I've yet to thoroughly research her parents, but I smell psychotic concervatives. Any white child with her influence who has the audacity to appear on a stage and, while her unrepentant country is killing and oppressing people all throughout the world, sing "There's a Party in the USA" is a product of morally debased parents. In phonycelebs like Paris Hilton, we're accustomed to seeing this type of debasement in children of conservative parents.

Talentless Miley Cyrus Defaces Hip Hop & Rap w/Twitter Rhyme

Have you seen Miley's hot new rap video dissing Twitter? No. Because: no hot Miley Cyrus hip hop or rap video exists. A couple of weeks ago, I saw some routine she did. A stripper pole was involved. Goddamn she ain't got no talent, I thought.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Talentless Miley Cyrus Defaces Hip Hop & Rap w/Twitter Rhyme

Have you seen Miley's hot new rap video dissing Twitter? No. Because: no hot Miley Cyrus hip hop or rap video exists. A couple of weeks ago, I saw some routine she did. A stripper pole was involved. Goddamn she ain't got no talent, I thought.

Now that you've seen it, you know I'm not lying. Those of you who'd already seen it knew it was garbage already.

I guess if you're not one of her cheesy, white fans (and had seen her before) you knew she was a talentless shit already. But to bring her talentless shit to Rap. Hip hop has already done it (rap) bad enough. And now Molly Cyrus. Jesus H Christ, she's even stupid enough to put her hat on sideways.

I guess talentless white girlz can do it like that. Look at Britney.